Some hand injuries require increased protection by restricting or immobilising the affected joint. Splinting plays an important role in acute hand injuries to assist correct healing and alignment, such as following a wrist fracture. A splint may also be used to promote rest and assist joint positioning to reduce aggravation of an ongoing hand condition such as arthritis.
We have a range of off-the-shelf and customised splinting supports to best assist your injury healing. Splints are commonly made of low-temperature thermoplastic. Thermoplastic often replaces plaster casting and can be done during a consultation.
Thermoplastic materials mould to your individual hand contours, assisting the effectiveness and comfort of the splint. Where full immobilisation is not needed and long-term function is a goal, we can also create soft splints using leather or neoprene to allow continued hand use.
A hand therapist will assess your injury and if needed, provide the most functional splinting option which suits your requirements.
- A customised splint enhances comfort and correct alignment / joint positioning.
- A customised thermoplastic splint is easy to remove via velcro straps, enabling a gradual return to hand function following periods of non-use.
- Splinting options support rest for the hand while you can continue to complete your required daily activities. As a result, symptoms caused by regular hand use settle more quickly.