Specialists and Surgeons
Medical and Surgical Specialists Value Our Timely Response to Their Referrals and Our Communication Processes
We tailor rehabilitation requirements through exploration of the problem or surgical procedure and comprehensive clinical reasoning. We have in-depth knowledge of post-operative protocols, and are also capable of expertly modifying them to provide customised clinical care.
We are adaptable to each specialist’s preferences for clinical care to achieve the best possible patient outcomes.
We can undertake hospital visits by arrangement, bringing our splinting kits to the patient. We have visiting/ consultation privileges to several private hospitals around Adelaide.
How We Facilitate
Your Patients’ Care
- Accommodate urgent requests across our team
- Collaborate and support post-operative regimes
- Communicate with you in your preferred style (e.g letter, email, phone call)
- Manage any post-surgical wound and dressing changes if requested
- Remove sutures if requested
- Provide guidance to the patient and their GP about timeframes for recovery
- Provide you with intervention outcomes or clinical findings prior to your review
- Arrange post-operative follow-up appointments if requested
- Notify you with any concerns or problems arising
Referral pathways:
We will accommodate your preference for referral. Options could be:
- Using our referral form
- Using your referral form
- An email or letter from you
- Sending any requests to admin@sahandtherapy.com.au
- Liaising with the Directors
We welcome any collaboration ideas or projects that will contribute to the hand and upper limb body of evidence. We have an enthusiastic clinical team and are well placed to support any research opportunities.