Sensory changes to the skin are influenced by injury or irritation to surrounding nerves. Hypersensitivity can affect touch, temperature or vibration and can commonly occur following injury or post-surgery. It can persist if not treated and lead to increasing pain and reduced function. Whilst we normally see hand-related hyper-sensitivivity problems, we sometimes also see people with other body parts affected. We have treated hypersensitive feet, facial scars or scalps in the past.
When a nerve repairs, it begins to form nerve “sprouts”. These sprouts are juvenile and need extra stimulation to become less sensitive. De-sensitisation involves strategies to assist stimulating your affected hand or body area to various textures and environments in a gradual way. De-sensitisation strategies are a core practice we use following trauma, such as surgery or a burn, and can help to promote a return to expected sensation around the region of your injury. We will assess your symptoms and guide you through a tailored de-sensitisation program.
- Reduces discomfort associated with touching or using the affected area of sensitivity.
- Reduces the duration of symptoms following nerve injury or irritation.
- Improves overall functional use of the affected body part.
may be used in
conditions such as
- Post Surgical Procedures
- Nerve Entrapment
- Burns